Alien Life Forms

Thanks to Malta UFO Research for the information and images.

You know how everyone thinks Martians are little green men .... well, they aren't green -- Mac Brazel, Roswell, New Mexico (1947)

Grey Alien Alien Type : "Grey"

Star System : Zeta Reticuli 1&2 - binary system [View Star Map]

Home Planet : Zeta Reticuli 1 or 2 IV

Activities on Sol III (Earth/Terra) : Human abduction & experimentation, animal mutilation, alledged hybrid/clone breeding program - REASON UNKNOWN

Other Activities : Construction of underground bases on Earth - Puerto Rico (Laguna Cartagena), southwestern U.S. and Iceland being some of the possible locations - REASON UNKNOWN

Other Information : The bodies of four or five of these beings (possibly one was still alive) were recovered near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 by the US Air Force. The crashed spacecraft was also recovered. The EBE (Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity) is said to have remained a "guest" of the US Air Force until 1952 when it died. Subsequent contacts with these entities were made, resulting in an "agreement" in which the U.S. would allow the "greys" to abduct humans and animals in return for their advanced technology. The craft (as well as the frozen bodies of the dead aliens) and others that were recovered over the years are kept at various heavily guarded secret facilities, such as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Dayton, Ohio) and Area 51 (S4), Groom Lake, Nevada.

Description : Short, humanoid, bipedal being. Height may vary between 3.5 and 4.5 feet tall. Body is thin and skinny, almost fragile. Limbs are also extremely thin and long, out of proportion to the body. Three or four fingers per hand, usually with webbing between the digits. [see picture] The head is very large with no hair, huge black eyes, two tiny nostrils, a very small slit for a mouth and no ears. Blood is reported as being a pale yellow, whitish, or grey substance smelling similar to ozone.

NEWS FLASH : On the 20 September, 1996 a planet orbiting Zeta 2 Reticuli was discovered by astronomers Cochran & Hatzes. It probably is a gas giant of 0.27 J (Jupiter mass). Other planets may be discovered soon within this solar system if more advanced detection techniques are developed that can resolve Earth size planets or smaller!

Chupacabra Alien Type : "Chupacabra" (Goat sucker)

Star System : UNKNOWN

Home Planet : UNKNOWN

Activities on Sol III (Earth/Terra) : Killing & eating animals
Other Activities : UNKNOWN

Other Information : This creature has been seen on the island of Puerto Rico for the last couple of years and is said to be responsible for numerous animal mutilations. It has been called the "Chupacabra" (Spanish for goat-sucker) since the first animal found dead with mysterious marks on its body was a goat completely drained of blood. The creature has also recently been sighted in Florida, Mexico, and South America. To learn more go to The Chupacabra Home Page.

Description : A short, agile creature. The head and large eyes closely resemble those of the "grey" aliens, leading some to believe that they may be genetically related. Protruding fangs and a long, pointed tongue [see picture] are used to kill animals and drain them of blood through small puncture wounds on the neck. The skin is mottled with green/yellow/black patches and is said to have chameleon-like qualities. Folds of skin on its back and arms help it move along the ground at great speed and maybe even glide for some distance. It reportedly has three clawed digits on each hand and foot.

Reptoid Alien Type : "Reptoid" or "Reptilian"

Star System : UNKNOWN

Home Planet : UNKNOWN

Activities on Sol III (Earth/Terra) : Some abduction, possible animal mutilation

Other Activities : UNKNOWN

Other Information : Are said to have several underground bases on Earth. Various bizarre reports can be found on these entities and should not be concidered true without other reports cooberating that data. For example, it has been said that the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet that impacted Jupiter was actually a Reptoid invasion fleet that was thrown off course by a "friendly" alien race to save Earth. No data on who started that story.

Description : Tall 6 to 8 foot creatures with scaly, green, reptilian like skin. The large eyes are usually yellow or gold in colour with a vertical pupil (like a cat's). It is interesting to note that this entity is similar to what the dinosaurs might have evolved into had the K-T event no occured.

Nordic Alien Type : "Nordics" or "Blondes"

Star System : UNKNOWN

Home Planet : UNKNOWN

Activities on Sol III (Earth/Terra) : Contacting & Abducting Humans

Other Activities : General observation

Other Information : Sometimes seen on the same craft as the "greys". Association with them is unknown (i.e. helpers, partners, leaders, slaves, ...? )

Description : Very human looking ... if you met one on the street or in an office you wouldn't be able to tell the difference!! They are called "Nordics" or "Blondes" because they are tall (6 to 7 feet), have blond hair and fair skin. This type of alien is most intriguing since it suggests that the human form is not native to Earth or that we may have common ancestors. It also suggets the we might not be the sole product of Terran evolution, but genetic engineering.

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